Saturn, Mercury, Pluto conjunction - January 12th

by James Kelleher January 11, 2020

Saturn, Mercury, Pluto conjunction - January 12th

On January 12th, Mercury will conjunct Saturn. This will be no ordinary conjunction, since it will be joined by the Sun.  If you want to include an outer planet, Pluto, which is normally used in Western astrology, then we will have 4 planets within a degree of each other on that day.  In addition, if you add Jupiter and Ketu to the mix, then you have a whopping 6 planets weighing down one side of the celestial teeter totter.
On the level of mundane affairs, the period for about 6 days on either side of the conjunction could be a period that is prone to earthquakes, intense communications, and power struggles. It is a period that can produce saber rattling and muscle flexing by nations that want to demonstrate their military power.
On the level of our individual lives, this period supports deep thinking, philosophical thinking, study, and research. The conjunction of Mercury, Saturn, the Sun, and Pluto takes place in Purva Ashadha nakshatra, a nakshatra symbolized by the tusk of an elephant. That would be Ganesha's tusk, by the way,  which is probably why I had the urge to share the story about Ganesha, that follows in the article linked below. The symbolism supports overcoming obstacles, writing, dental work, and any worthy venture that requires making an effort.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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