New Moon in Purva Phalguni

by James Kelleher September 02, 2024

New Moon in Purva Phalguni

There will be a New Moon in Purva Phalguni nakshatra on Monday, September 2nd at 6:55pm pt. Purva Phalguni is symbolized by the conjugal bed or the bed of marriage, which is all about union, creativity, and yes, a bit of luxury. Its ruling deity is Bhaga, the god of abundance and prosperity. The shakti here is the power of procreativity, which is pretty fitting given the the marriage bed symbol, right? For the lunar month ahead, it's prime time to get your creative juices flowing, maybe spice up your love life, or just treat yourself to some well-deserved pampering. Set some intentions around love, fertility, or that artistic project you've been putting off. Don't shy away from embracing your playful side and soaking up life's joys. It's also a great time to think about how you can give back while still taking care of yourself. So go ahead, relax, enjoy and get your creative motor started, the next lunar month is a time to express yourself!

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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