A Story from Beyond the Rings of Saturn

by James Kelleher January 11, 2020

A Story from Beyond the Rings of Saturn

Since we are on the verge of a new transit of Saturn, here is an interesting story about Saturn.
In mythology, Saturn's name was Shani. Shani was at home meditating one evening. Did you know that he liked to meditate? It's true, he was a great yogi who spent lots of time doing spiritual practices. This particular evening he was deep in meditation when his wife, Sangya, entered the room. Now, Sangya was feeling very amorous that evening. So before entering the room, she put on her most beautiful sari, her alluring perfume, and made herself look totally irresistible. She entered the room, stood there silently for a moment, and then, in her most seductive voice she said, "Shani, look at me!" But Shani didn't even hear her. He was totally absorbed in his meditation. Once again, in a little louder voice, Sangya said, "Shani, look at me!" But Shani just sat there in a state of complete detachment.
Sangya was so upset by being ignored by her husband, that she became furious. But, in spite of her emotional reaction, Shani just sat there like a stone, not moving, no reaction, deep in meditation. Finally, Sangya's anger boiled over and she blurted out a curse. "Since you won't even look at me, your own wife, from this day forward anyone you look at will be obliterated!"
Now apparently her curse worked, and from that time onward, knowing that his gaze might create harm to others, humble and pious Shani always averted his gaze in the presence of other people. He did everything he could to not look at anyone.
A while later, Parvati, the wife of Shiva, had a new baby, Ganesha. She was so proud of her beautiful new child that she wanted to show him off, so she and Shiva planned to have a big celebration to introduce him to the world. Everyone was invited, including Shani.
Of course, Shani was very, very careful not to look at anyone during the big party, so he went around looking down at the ground, and never directly at anyone. When Parvati saw what he was doing, she thought it was foolish. She went up to Shani and told him that he simply must come and look at her new baby. Shani, respectfully, declined. He told Parvati about the curse and apologized to her.
But Parvati, who was overflowing with love for her child, and complete confidence in his bright future, wouldn't have it. She insisted the Shani look at her child. She explained that Ganesha was the child of Shiva, the all-powerful, and that no curse could possibly harm him.
Seeing the logic in her explanation, Shani walked over to the baby's cradle, raised his head, and looked at Ganesha's face. Immediately, the baby's head exploded. Poor Parvati was completely upset by the whole tragedy, but, luckily, Shiva replaced Ganesha's head with the head of an elephant. That is why Ganesha is depicted as a man who has the head of an elephant. More importantly, that is also the reason that poor Shani has been given such a bad rap. It wasn't even his fault!
It's not Shani's nature to harm or create problems. Shani's nature is to strengthen things. Problems are simply what happens when you ignore what Shani is telling you. Shani's nature is patient, persevering, polite, strong, committed, and detached. These are virtues. As long as you try to work at improving the area of life that Shani is transiting, things will improve. And even if you carelessly don't pay attention to what Shani is challenging you to do, and experience distress as a result, there's normally a way to fix it. Look at Ganesha, it all worked out for him, it just took a little effort.
If you  would like to learn more about Saturn, its mythology, and how to tune-in to it's incredibly positive energy, then you might want to watch a two hour presentation called Amazing Saturn, available on my website.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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