Venus Jupiter Conjunction

by James Kelleher December 31, 2018

Venus Jupiter Conjunction

Start with a conjunction of the Sun and Saturn on January 2nd, that will produce a desire to work hard, take responsibility, and get things done. Add a pinch of a Saturn/Mercury conjunction on January 13th. This will produce a tendency to concentrate and to organize information, but could also produce obstacles or pressures related to communication. Stir slowly, pace yourself, and don't work too hard in the first half of the month, since Saturn can produce stress along with productivity. 

Now add the mutual transit of Jupiter and Venus in Scorpio that will be taking place from January 1st to the 29th.  This conjunction will become exact on January 21st, adding a dash of enjoyment and self-indulgence to the second half of the month. Together, the planetary combinations in January should allow you to work, be productive and also to find room for a little down time, self-indulgence and enjoyment.  It's a perfect blend for the beginning of 2019.


As mentioned earlier, Venus will enter Scorpio on January 1st, where it will join Jupiter until January 29th.  In Vedic astrology we call this a conjunction, when two planets share the same sign.  However, that conjunction becomes more intense when the two planets share come to the same degree of longitude.  This will happen on January 21st when Venus and Jupiter come to an exact conjunction at 21 degrees of Scorpio.  

Conjunctions like can be used in a variety of ways.  On a specific level, for example, anyone who has an important planet in their chart, located near 21 degrees of  Scorpio, might experience some sort of positive event near January 21st.  Since I am not able to see your specific horoscope while writing this, it is not possible for  me to tell you if you have a planet near this point of not.  However, I can say that anyone whose birthday falls between December 4 - 10 could notice a little upsurge of positive energy, taking the form of a pleasurable or self-indulgent event during the three days on either side of January 21st. 


That said, here is an interpretation of the Venus/Jupiter transit of Scorpio based on your Sun Sign.  The following interpretations apply only to the period from January 1 to January 29, 2019, when Venus and Jupiter will be in Scorpio together.  Remember to check your birth date carefully against the astrological sign.  In Vedic astrology we use a different zodiac, so the birth date range for each sign is different from that of Western astrology.


Vedic Sun Signs


Apr 14 - May 14 (Aries)   During this period you might spend money on a partner or spouse or a partner or spouse could spend money on themselves. This is a good time for solving problems and sometimes produces travel. It is also a period where you can benefit greatly from yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, or body work.

May 15 - Jun 14 (Taurus).   This period could produce positive experiences in relationship. For some, this will be a more loving and romantic period. For others it can just produce positive interactions with other people, either one to one or in groups. It is especially good for doing things that involve creativity with a partner, such as dancing or enjoying the arts.

Jun 15 - Jul 15 (Gemini)   This month can produce a positive influence on your health. This is a good time to do positive, pleasurable, therapeutic activities like swimming, body work, or spa treatments. On another level, the same period promotes employment, so if you are looking for a job, this month can be more supportive. If you already have a job, then you might find aspects of your work more productive and more enjoyable now.

Jul 16 - Aug 16 (Cancer)   Jupiter and Venus are transiting through your fifth house, the house of children. If you are trying to have children, this is a supportive month . If you already have children, this period is a good one for positive events related to kids. For those who don't have or want children, this period supports entertainment, the arts, creativity, and education. It also promotes a general sense of upbeat emotion. It can also promote career activities.

Aug 17 - Sep 16 (Leo) Jupiter and Venus are transiting through your 4th house, promoting all things related to your home. For example, this is a good time for spending money to beautify your house or to make other positive changes in your environment. It can also be a time of moving into a house or just enjoying your house. For some Leos this will be a time of purchasing a car. In general, the transit promotes more happiness and peace of mind.

Sep 17 - Oct 16 (Virgo) During this month Venus and Jupiter are influencing the third house, the house of communications, siblings, and short journeys. This will be a period where communication will go smoothly and will have an affectionate and positive tone. You could also find yourself enjoying outings and errands, in the car around town, possibly while spending a little money on yourself in the process. Your interactions with your brothers or sisters could also be more pleasant during the month.

Oct 17 - Nov 15 (Libra) Jupiter and Venus are both in your second house, where they promote expenditure. For example, I just gave a reading to a Libra lady who is planning to purchase a car during January.   In any case, this transit promotes all types of self indulgent, pleasurable expenditure, including expenditures on clothing, meals, movies, or anything else that promotes enjoyment. Of course, you need to use common sense and make sure you can afford your expenditures. The period is also good for family interactions in general.

Nov 16- Dec 15 (Scorpio) During January, Venus and Jupiter are transiting across your Sun sign, promoting positive interactions with others. This can promote romantic encounters, attractions, or simply make you more social. On another level it helps to support your health and your interactions with coworkers.

Dec 16 - Jan 13 (Sagittarius) Jupiter and Venus are moving through your twelfth house. For some, this can produce travel, especially the type of travel that gets you to spend a little extra on your hotel room. For others, this can be a period when you feel drawn to do spiritual practices like meditation, especially in groups. It is also a social period, but tends more in the direction of satsang, which means joining with other people that share a similar spiritual orientation and enjoying their company.

Jan 14 - Feb 12 (Capricorn) During January, Venus and Jupiter are in your eleventh house, where they promote your social energy. During this period you will be more gregarious, and will tend to enjoy your friendships more than usual. This is also a period that can promote romantic connections. It is also a combination for financial gains, so you could find that your financial transactions are more positive now.

 Feb 13 - Mar 13 (Aquarius) Venus and Jupiter are transiting through your tenth house. This will promote your work, and make you enjoy interactions with bosses and coworkers more during the month of January. This is also a great time for any type of creative project.

Mar 14 - Apr 13 (Pisces)     Jupiter and Venus are moving through your ninth house where they could promote travel. They promote education during this period as well. This is a good time for interactions with teachers, professionals, or advisors of any kind. The period also favors finances.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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