The Howling Full Moon

by James Kelleher December 20, 2018

The Howling Full Moon

There will be a Full Moon in Ardra nakshatra on Saturday, December 22nd at 9:49am pst. Ardra is ruled by Rudra, a form of Shiva. The symbol for this nakshatra is a tear drop, which comes from the myth of how Rudra was born. When he was born, he cried. His father, lord Brahma said, “Why are you crying?” Rudra said, “because I don’t have a name!" Brahma said, “Then I will call you Rudra" which means to cry. But then his father gave him a bunch of other names.

Ardra nakshatra is connected with the search for self, especially through one’s career. Who am I? What job should I do? What hat should I wear Where do I fit in? The search for identity takes on many forms, including the search for the right partner, the search for one’s creative voice, and even the search for sexual identity. This full moon brings on the full dose of the desire for individual self-expression, through the welling up and overflowing of unconscious emotion. Ardra types seek to be different and unique. The Full Moon in Ardra allows us all to participate in celebrating our differences.

This Full Moon is particularly interesting because it takes place very near the Winter Solstice. At the moment, and for about the next 200 years, the position of the Sun, at the time of the winter solstice, is conjuncting the galactic center, bringing about a deep metamorphosis for the world, as it realigns with divine will. That makes this Full Moon sort of cosmic. So why not use this time to let your hair down a bit and just be your unedited self. And just for your information, one of the other names of Rudra is “the howler." So don’t get too crazy, or you might just find yourself howling at the Moon!

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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