There will be a new moon on Saturday November 14th at 9:07pm in Vishakha nakshartra. Vishakha's shakti is the power to accomplish many things. A new moon can be taken as the beginning of a new lunar month, this lunar month is a great one for accomplishing various kinds of projects and for increasing your productivity. The new moon day, itself, is a good one for clearing out anything that needs to go, and the period immediately after the new moon is good for making a list of all the things you want to accomplish. Or just use your old list of all the things that have been mounting up that need to be done. Either way, put them on your list and then just start working on them one at a time. As one of my friends likes to say, "I'm setting em up, and knocking em down". And as Larry the Cable Guy says, "just get er dun!"
James Kelleher