by James Kelleher February 02, 2019


There will be a New Moon on Monday, February 4th at 1:04 pm pst in Shravana nakshatra.  The New Moon in Shravana, symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle that lasts until the next New Moon on March 6th.  The meaning of this cycle draws from the symbolism of Shravana Nakshatra.  Shravana is symbolized by three foot prints.  Its deity is Vishnu who was born as Vamana.  In Hindu mythology, Vamana was born in order to restore order to the universe by kicking the demons out of heaven. Even though he was only two feet tall, he accomplished his task by taking three strides, covering the entire universe, kicking the demons out of heaven, and bringing the gods back to the heavens. 

The act of kicking the demons out of heaven and putting the gods back where they belong is symbolic.  It is a story about putting the most important thing in the most important place.  The gods are your highest values.  The demons represents worldly desires.  When the demons (desires) are in the heavens (the place of priority), then life becomes one big addictive mess.  On the other hand, when you put the gods (your highest values) in the heavens (the priority place) then everything lines up under your most important ideals and life becomes peaceful, prosperous and happy.

So the period between February 4th and March 6th is a great time to revisit what is really important in your life.  Think about it. Do you actually put your ideals first, or do you just go to work, make money, eat food, watch TV, go to bed and then just get up in the morning and do it all over again?  Ideals are important.  Remembering what is truly important is the key to having a good life. But what is it that is truly important?  Each person has to answer that for himself.  As the wise man once said, “The most important thing, is knowing what is the most important thing!”

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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