New Moon in Magha

by James Kelleher August 25, 2022

New Moon in Magha

There will be a New Moon in Magha nakshatra on Saturday, August 27th at 1:17am pst. Magha is ruled by the pitris, the deified ancestors. Its shakti is the power to leave the body, which refers to the soul departing the body at the time of death. This New Moon begins a lunar cycle that is good for delving into things related to the past. The last half of the lunar month, from September 10th to September 16th is called Pitru Paksha, the fortnight that is specifically devoted to your relationship to your ancestors. During that time, throughout India, Hindu families will do rituals to heal and resolve their relationships with their departed ancestors. So spending a little time reflecting on the members of your family that have passed away, can be particularly beneficial during that period. During the one month cycle that begins on August 27th, the astrological energy promotes the introspective process, especially if that process involves practices that come from ancient traditions. It's also a great time to reflect on the temporary quality of life. But you don't have to get all mental and philosophical about it. Just look around you and notice that everything changes and nothing lasts forever. It's obvious. Feel the impermanence. Life is like an ocean with millions of constantly changing waves. Nothing lasts. Then feel your constant grasping as you clamp down and try to control your life and make it permanent. At some point you will figure out that trying to control an ocean full of waves is a fool's errand. As a wise man once said, "Life is a mess." So it's impossible to control. Once you finally figure that out, you will just let go. Oh my god! What do you think will happen then? Wow! Maybe you'll just relax, be happier, and I'll bet that you won't care one hoot about astrology. Wait a minute. I'll be out of a job! Never mind. Don't listen to me. I take it all back.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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