New Moon in Anuradha

by James Kelleher November 25, 2019

New Moon in Anuradha

There will be a New Moon on Tuesday, November 26h at 7:06am pst in Anuradha nakshatra.  Anuradha is located in the middle of the sign of Scorpio. It is ruled by Mitra, the god of friendship, and it produces the desire to be a good friend and to have friends.  So it makes sense that Anuradha's shakti is the power of devotion.  Devotion, here, means follow through.  In friendship, actions speak louder than words.  A devoted friend is one who follows through with commitments.  If he tells you that he will be there, he will be there. In fact, devotion and commitment are synonymous. 
During the run up to a new moon, the 24 hours before the New Moon in which the Moon's light is still diminishing or waning, it is a time for reflection and introspection.  It is good for finishing things and getting rid of things that don't serve you any more.  During the period following the exact moment of the New Moon, in this case, starting at 7:06 am, pacific time, on the 26th, and continuing onward for a lunar month, the devotion theme of Anuradha nakshatra will play itself out in your life in some way.  This is a time for making new commitments.  If you have followed my previous posts about New Moons, then you know that the exact day of the New Moon isn't good to begin things and that you should wait, at least, until the second day after the New Moon in order to start new things.  The following month is also good for reinforcing existing commitments, socializing, and putting energy into your romantic relationships.  
In the United States, the obvious proximity of the New Moon in Anuradha, to the Thanksgiving holiday, is hard to ignore.   But whether you live in the USA or somewhere else, this is a good time to let your friends, relatives, and loved ones know that you are grateful to have them in your life.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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