Mars Moves to Aquarius: End of a Long Slog

by James Kelleher November 04, 2018

Mars Moves to Aquarius:  End of a Long Slog

Mars Moves to Aquarius:  End of a Long Slog

At the end of the day on November 5th Mars will enter Aquarius. This ends a long, arduous journey that began in early March. On March 7th, 2018, Mars entered Sagittarius, where it joined Saturn until May 2nd. When Mars and Saturn combine, it causes frustration, stifled progress, and blocked energy. On May 2nd, Mars moved into Capricorn and joined Ketu, producing a period of increased pitta (fiery energy). The Mars/Ketu conjunction can be linked to various types of disasters and other violent events. It also makes people feel uncertain. The good news is, that on November 6th, Mars will move out of Capricorn! That will help to free up energy in a number of domains of life. If things have heated up for you, and if you have been experiencing a marked increase of problems in some area of life since March, it could be because Mars rules the house that symbolizes that domain of life in your chart. If so, you might notice relief after November 6th.   

Mars rules over desire, and the ability to get your desires fulfilled.  It is also the planet of energy, ambition, and assertiveness.  When you get angry, that's your Mars talking!  

This is your chance to learn everything your ever wanted to know about Mars in astrology with my pre-recorded online webinar at the link below:

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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