Jupiter in Sagittarius - November 4, 2019 - November 20, 2020

by James Kelleher November 05, 2019

Jupiter in Sagittarius - November 4, 2019 - November 20, 2020

On November 4th, 2019, Jupiter will enter Sagittarius. It will stay there until March 29, 2020, when it will enter Capricorn. It will begin its retrograde phase in Capricorn on May 14th, and then retrograde back into Sagittarius on June 29th. It will turn direct in Sagittarius on September 12th and finally leave Sagittarius on November 20th, 2020. To simplify that explanation, Jupiter will be in Sagittarius from November 4, 2019 to November 20, 2020, except for a 3 month gap, from March 29th - June 29th, when it will be in Capricorn temporarily.
That will give it a total of about ten months in Sagittarius. Normally, Jupiter stays in a sign for an average of 13 months. Apparently, this time, Jupiter is in a hurry. Nevertheless, Sagittarius is a good place for Jupiter to transit. Sagittarius is Jupiter's own sign, a sign where it has a great deal of power and can behave in its most natural way. And that is a good thing for the sign of Sagittarius, since its has been pummeled in the past couple of years by Saturn and other malefic influences.
I have been writing about Saturn, and other planets influencing Sagittarius, over the past couple of years. In a recent article, I mentioned that Saturn was transiting Purva Ashadha nakshatra, in the middle of Sagittarius, causing a suppression of the water element, and also suppressing Purva Ashadha's shakti, the power to energize. I said that it could produce issues related to water (the hot, dry weather) as well as the potential for power outages. During the few days build up to the new moon in Swati, the nakshatra related to the wind, huge winds, dry weather, and broken power lines, caused devastating fires in California. The shakti of the new moon in Swati, is the power to scatter like the wind. Hundreds of thousands of people in California had to leave their homes at that time. Here in Nevada City, California, we also had a fire. My wife and I spent a frantic afternoon trying to pack our cars in case of an evacuation. Luckily, the fire was contained and we were able to stay in our home.
This is all to point out that Saturn will be leaving Sagittarius on January 24, 2020. When Jupiter enter's Sagittarius on November 4, 2019, it will be joining Saturn there for a couple of months until Saturn departs in January. Once again, a complicated explanation, but it just means that, even though Jupiter enters Sagittarius in November, it will not be able to express its most expansive and exuberant energy until after January 24th.
This will mean that each of us will receive a nice positive boost from Jupiter in the area of life signified by the house in which Sagittarius is located in our individual horoscopes.
The following predictions are only for the period from November 4, 2019 to November 20, 2020, except for a 3 month gap, from March 29th - June 29th.   Be sure to read the Sun-sign birth date ranges carefully, because we use a sidereal zodiac in Vedic astrology. We also look at transits of planets from various lagnas (focal points). Since I can't see your individual chart when I am writing this, I have to rely on your Sun sign, which we call the Surya lagna.  If you are more knowledgeable about your Vedic chart, and if you know the signs occupied by your Moon, ascendant, and arudha lagna, then you can read the predictions given for those signs as well. 
Vedic Sun Signs
Apr 14 - May 14 (Aries) Jupiter is transiting your ninth house during this period. This could produce long distance travel. It is a spiritually expansive period, and it also promotes education. This period is good for finances as well.
May 15 - Jun 14 (Taurus) During this period, Jupiter will be passing through your eighth house, the house of money coming from outside sources. If you are in business, this promotes sales, and money from contracts. It will be a good time for joint finances, and the finances of your spouse or partner. You can benefit from positive therapies now, especially the practice of yoga.
Jun 15 - Jul 15 (Gemini)   Jupiter is now in your seventh house. This period will probably be good for partnerships of all kinds. You will probably experience opportunities coming from the people around you. Your spouse or partner will thrive during this time and they will feel like a weight has been lifted. If you have been experiencing disharmony, alienation, or distance in your relationships, or if you have had any legal issues in the past couple of years, this period should bring resolution and a more positive, harmonious feeling in your various relationships.
Jul 16 - Aug 16 (Cancer) Jupiter is transiting your sixth house. This period will promote employment, either by improving the job you already have, or by helping you find a job. If you have been experiencing more stress in your health area in the past couple of years, 2020 should bring relief and improvement. Jupiter's positive influence extends to the areas of finance as well.
Aug 17 - Sep 16 (Leo) During this period, Jupiter will be passing through your fifth house. This is the house of children, creativity, education, romance, and good karma from the past. Any one or all of these areas could improve in some way during this transit. As far as the good karma goes, you will probably find that opportunities present themselves more frequently and that you are in the right place at the right time more often. Enjoy it. You earned it in your past life when you ran into that burning building and saved the life of that poor little child.
Sep 17 - Oct 16 (Virgo) Jupiter is now transiting your fourth house, the house of your home, car, mother, sleep and general happiness.   If you have had any extra expenses or problems in any of these areas over the past couple of years, especially during 2019, you can look forward to smoother sailing and improvement. This is a good time for purchasing a house or car, for example. Or it could simply allow you to improve your house or your vehicle by fixing or repairing it. This period could also produce improvements for your spouse or partner's career.
Oct 17 - Nov 15 (Libra) Jupiter will be transiting through your third house during this period. You might notice that communication with others is easier and more upbeat. You could travel more during this time as well. From this position, Jupiter extends its influence to your house of partnership, meaning this could be a good period for love and romance. In any case, it will help all of your relationships and friendships, to some extent, since it will bring a more positive and upbeat quality to the way you communicate.
Nov 16 - Dec 15 (Scorpio)   During this period, Jupiter will be passing through your second house. This will probably boost your finances in some way. It makes you feel more abundant. But it could also give you the feeling of "money burning a hole in your pocket" and produce the impulse to spend money more freely. This transit should reduce financial stress, support your career and finances, and improve or increase your connection with your family members. It is even good for your health.
Dec 16 - Jan 13 (Sagittarius) If you have your Sun, Moon, Arudha Lagna, or Ascendant in Sagittarius, then you might have been experiencing a general sense of stress, pressure, delays or obstacles in the last couple of years. Now Jupiter will help to relieve that pressure and produce a greater sense of expansiveness and optimism during this period. "Pop pop, fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is!"
Jan 14 - Feb 12 (Capricorn) During Jupiter's transit of Sagittarius you might travel more than usual. If so, you will find that your journeys are more expansive and positive. This period also supports and promotes your spiritual side, making you more drawn to meditation, reflection or anything that takes you inward. On another level, this period will give you a greater sense of clarity and self-confidence as well.
Feb 13 - Mar 13 (Aquarius) Jupiter is passing through your eleventh house, the house that signifies friends, groups, finances and your ability to get the things you desire. During this period, you might find it easier to finish projects and accomplish your intentions. This will probably also produce financial gains or opportunities. During this time, you will also become more social, and that is how relationships improve. It's even a better time for romance, so if you are not in a relationship and if you are interested in being in one, this is a time to get out there and socialize, connect with groups, and participate in activities with friends. You never know who you will meet at your local bingo game!
Mar 14 - Apr 13 (Pisces) During this period, Jupiter will be passing through your tenth house. This is the career house. But it is really just the house of action, which includes vocation, avocation, hobbies and whatever-the-heck you do with your day. You don't have to be a brain surgeon or even have a job to benefit from this transit. It will support and promote positive outcomes for all of your daily tasks. But if you are looking for a job, now is the time to make hay while the Sun (or Jupiter) shines. Get you resume out there, since this is prime time for getting a job. If you already have a job, then it will improve in some way.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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