June 12th Super Opposition

by James Kelleher June 11, 2019

June 12th Super Opposition

On June 12th,  Mars and Rahu will complete an exact conjunction in the sign of Gemini.  At the same time, Saturn and Ketu will be in a close conjunction on the opposite side of the zodiac, in Sagittarius.  I have been talking about this configuration since the beginning of the year.  Since it is comprised of two conjuncting pairs of planets opposing one another, I am calling it a super-opposition.  Since these planets are all malefics (challenging planets), it makes the period of about a week on either side of June 12th, charged with unpredictable, erratic energy.

Mars, the planet of warfare, arguments and anger, entered Gemini on May 7th.  Since then it has been making its way towards the conjunction with Rahu.  Nearly on the exact day that it entered Gemini, Trump ratcheted up the trade war with China.  Very close to the same time, he also sent aircraft carriers to the middle east, in order to intimidate the Iranians.  Also, very close to that time, North Korea re-started its nuclear testing. 

President Trump is someone who stirs up controversy by nature, so it is nothing new for him to be involved in some sort of conflict, but since May 7th, there has been an increase in these conflicts, as well as an increase of tension between him and congress, with more democrats pushing for impeachment, and more pressure on him to release his tax records.   This is all due to the fact that his Mercury, the planet of communication, is powerfully influenced by the super-opposition.

As we get closer to June 12th, we might see an intensification of one or several of these conflicts.  It doesn't have to necessarily produce any dire events. I am only picking on Trump, because he is the president, and because both his chart and the chart of the United States are affected by the astrological configuration.  However, this is a combination that can produce sparks and unexpected flare-ups of conflict world wide.  For more about this astrological event, you can go to my website by clicking here.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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