There will be a full moon in Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra on Monday September 20th at 4:55pm. Uttara Bhadrapada's symbol is the rear legs of a funeral cot, a symbol of the temporary quality of life. That's why its desire is to find a firm foundation in life. In eastern religions like Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, there is a tradition of meditating on the temporary quality of life as a vehicle for stoking the fires of introspection. When you realize that everything in life changes, it makes you think about what is important and what is not important. This full moon takes place opposite Mars, and occurs at a time when Jupiter is debilitated and afflicted by Saturn, so this is a time to keep a low profile and to avoid conversations about religion, politics, and anything else that stimulates disagreement. Full moons tend to make people a little crazy, so on this one, you might want to do a little yoga, spend a little extra time in meditation, and repeat after me, "its all good, it's all good, Om Shanti Shanti Shanti."
James Kelleher