There will be a Full Moon on Thursday, October 1st at 2:05 pm pdt in Uttara Bhadra Pada nakshatra. Uttara Bhadra Pada is symbolized by a funeral cot. Its desire is to find a firm foundation in life. So this full moon points our attention to the fact that everything in life is temporary. Things change. People die. Relationships end. Friends come and go. There is literally nothing that you can ultimately depend on. On the other hand, that very awareness becomes the motivation to look within for something deeper, something that doesn't change. Take some time to look around and take note of all the pandemonium, upheaval, and change that is going on in the world right now. For example, look at how the world is in the midst of a pandemic causing the loss of life for so many people. Realize that life has never been something you can really depend on. Once you get it, then it's time to get on with the search for a deeper reality. That reality is you, the unbounded transcendent bliss you. Stick to that, and all will be well in the universe.
Karamjot Sharu