There will be a Full Moon on August 3rd at 8:59am pacific time in Shravana nakshatra. Shravana is located in the middle of Capricorn. Its shakti is the power to connect diverse elements. The full Moon in Shravana gives you an opportunity to think about the various domains of your life, and to rank them in order of importance. If you are clear about your most important value in life, then everything else lines up and serves that value. This is an important key to bringing happiness in life. Shravana is symbolized by three footprints. This comes from a story about how Vamana, a dwarf incarnation of Vishnu, kicked the demons out of heaven and restored the gods to the heavens by taking three strides and putting a foot in each of the three worlds. Sometimes it is important to realign yourself with your highest values by getting rid of obsessive pursuit of less important values. This full moon is an excellent time to look at your life, and ask yourself the question, "Do I really know what is important in life? If so, "Are the various elements of my life arranged in a way that moves me towards that most important thing?" If not, the you can use this full moon to some serious demon kicking!
James Kelleher