Full Moon in Purva Phalguni

by James Kelleher February 26, 2021

Full Moon in Purva Phalguni

There will be a Full Moon in Purva Phalguni nakshatra on February 27th at 12:17am pt. Purva Phalguni is symbolized by the conjugal bed, the bead of marriage. Its shakti is the power of procreativity, the sexual energy that leads to having children. Since it is procreative, it is also creative. So this full moon can be good for romance, attraction, sexuality, fertility, and anything related to children. This is a good time for creative projects and it's also a good time for promoting financial endeavors. The full moon causes all of these energies to overflow, making the period for a day or two on either side of the full moon a great time to let go, relax, and celebrate your life.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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