Full Moon in Magha

by James Kelleher February 15, 2022

Full Moon in Magha

There will be a Full Moon in Magha nakshatra on Wednesday February 16th at 8:57am pst. Magha's ruling deity is the pitris, the collective spirits of our ancestors who have passed away and gone to the spiritual realm. As a result, Magha is connected with ancient traditions, tribes, families and spirituality. This is a particularly expansive Full Moon, since Jupiter is in the same sign as the Sun and will be aspecting the Moon. So this is a great time for family gatherings, spiritual gatherings, and activities related to ancient traditions like yoga or meditation. If you have grandparents who are living, then this is a great time to connect with them as well. Magha is also symbolized by a throne room, so activities that are intended to improve your home or office are also good to do at this time. In any case, the Magha Full Moon will produce a very supportive and expansive energy that can lift your spirit and bring you more peace and joy. All you have to do is close your eyes and tune your inner receiver to Radio Station M-A-G-H-A. That's at 108 on your inner dial.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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