There will be a Full Moon on Tuesday, April 7th, at 7:35pm pdt, in Chitra nakshatra. Chitra's shakti is the power to accumulate merit. There are two types of karma. Papa and Punya. Papa karma is negative karma, resulting from negative actions, emotions or intentions from the past. Punya is positive karma, resulting from doing or intending to do good. Chitra is connected to Punya, so it is all about positive karma. The energy of this full moon is overflowing with the inclination to be good and to do good. Chitra is also a nakshatra of creativity, children, and all things that shine. On the background of the Coronavirused world, I guess this is the perfect time to let your light shine, and to spread a little cheer and generosity to those around you. It will come back to you in the form of good karma. And that's better than money in the bank!
James Kelleher