Full Moon in Bharani

by James Kelleher November 11, 2019

Full Moon in Bharani

On Tuesday, November 12th at 5:34 a.m., there will be a Full Moon in Bharani nakshatra. Bharani Nakshatra is ruled by the deity Yama, the god of death. That sounds bad until you find out that he is actually the god of dharma, the principal of truth or cosmic law. And, we can always use a little more of that! This is a good time to reset your inner compass and to simply tell the truth, especially to yourself. If you don't, your nose will get really long like Pinocchio! The Full Moon in Bharani also helps you to make good judgments. However, in this department, the best policy is to try to only judge things or actions, not people. Finally, this is a great period for clearing away things that aren't useful anymore. I guess it's time for a your garage sale!

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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