There will be a Full Moon in Ashwini nakshatra on October 20th at 7:57 am pst. Ashwini is a nakshatra related to healing, since the deities that rule it are the Ashwini Kumars, the healers of the gods. So this full Moon will be overflowing with healing energy. Another interesting quality of Ashwini is the power to reach things quickly. If you have something you need to get done in a hurry, you can try it on the full Moon. Don't forget to get back to me and let me know how it worked out. Ashwini is also connected with hearing, horses, good jokes, and looking young. I will let you use your imagination regarding how to apply these elements in the activities you pursue. Anyway, in honor of this light-hearted healer moon... drum roll please....A doctor asked his nurse, "How is that little girl who swallowed the 7 quarters?" The nurse said, "No change yet!" Happy Ashwini Moon.
James Kelleher