Autumnal Equinox

by James Kelleher September 23, 2019

Autumnal Equinox

Happy Autumnal Equinox! Last Night at 12:50 am pacific time, the Equinox took place at 5 degrees of Virgo, in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Let’s rewind for a moment. The Vernal Equinox, which takes place in March, marks the beginning of Spring. The degree in which it occurs marks a point in the zodiac that shows a symbolic precessing ascendant for the world. In a progressed chart for the world, the ascendant represents the physical body of the planet, the collective sense of individuality of life on earth, and the basic urge to individuate. It shows how we strive to distinguish ourselves from others.
The Autumnal equinox, on the other hand, is similar to the 7th house of a progressed world chart. It shows how we interact with others and how we create balance and harmony. It is like the heart chakra of the world, showing our capacity to create peace through agreements, treaties, and contracts. It shows the state of world politics, as well as the our best path to peace.
Today’s equinox takes place in Uttara Phalguni, a nakshatra ruled by the deity, Aryaman. Aryaman was the puranic deity that represents chivalry. He is the god who puts himself out, in order to help others. He takes other people under his wing and gives them a boost up, even if it causes him discomfort. It is ironic that in a time when so many people are in dire need of help, politicians all over the world are advocating nationalism, closed borders, and deportation. They play to the fear of the masses, inciting hatred and xenophobia. The equinox placement in Uttara Phalguni clearly shows a need for humanity to do the exact opposite by opening its heart, ignoring its fear, and reaching out to those who are in need. The Autumnal equinox has traditionally been a time that represents harvest, abundance, and prosperity. However, without an open heart and the spirit of giving, abundance and prosperity have no real value. They leave humanity in a pitiful state of emptiness, selfishness and greed.
So don’t just sit there! Reach out, speak out, and act out. Create peace within yourself, but then get up out of your chair and help someone in your corner of the world.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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