Venus in Pisces with Jupiter (April 27- May 23, 2022)

by James Kelleher May 05, 2022

Venus in Pisces with Jupiter (April 27- May 23, 2022)

On April 27th, Venus, the planet of love, romance, marriage and relationships, entered the sign of Pisces. Jupiter is already in Pisces and will remain there for the next year, but Venus will stay in Pisces only until May 23rd. Since Pisces is the exaltation sign for Venus, and since it will be bolstered by the expansive energy of Jupiter, this period will allow Venus to express itself with great strength.

Pisces is a sign of inspiration, idealism, and imagination. That means Venus in Pisces will have a tendency to produce inspiration and idealize emotional relationships. On a simple level, this makes it a likely time for people to fall in love or to feel inspired in their relationships with others.

On the deepest level, however, Venus in Pisces seeks a spiritual experience in relationships. It can also give the tendency toward impersonal love rather that personal love. Impersonal love is sometimes called unconditional love. It has nothing to do with your special friends or your relatives. Unconditional love is sometimes also called compassion, because it doesn’t discriminate between people when it comes to expressing loving regard or kindness. Nobody is special and nobody is excluded. The person wishes everyone well and tries to ease the suffering of all beings.

Venus is also a planet of aesthetics. It rules art, beauty, and creativity. So this is also a good period for sprucing up your home or garden, buying cloths, getting a makeover, or getting involved with creative projects.

Since Pisces is also a sign associated with distant places, this period favors travel as well. If you do happen to travel during this time, Venus with Jupiter in Pisces might give you the inclination to splurge in some way.

Each of us will experience the transit of Venus in Pisces in our own unique way. Here is a brief description of how the transit might affect you, based on the house Venus is transiting in your horoscope. Remember, we use a different zodiac in Vedic astrology, so you have to look at the birth date ranges for each of the Sun signs carefully. If you happen to know your Vedic Moon sign, Lagna (Ascendant) or Arudha Lagna, then you can read the results for those signs as well. If you happen to know all of those signs, you could potentially read the predictions given for four signs. That may seem confusing, but each of the descriptions reflects a different angle on the transit of Venus, and will tend to manifest in its own way.

Vedic Sun Signs

Apr 14 - May 14 (Aries) During this time, you might be inspired to spend some money on something pleasant. You could buy clothes, something nice for your spouse or partner, or you might feel like traveling. This is also a time when you might feel like giving money to others who are less fortunate. Mediation and the inner process could also draw your attention.

May 15 - Jun 14 (Taurus). This is a period during which your interaction with friends or groups might feel warmer and more loving. It’s a good time to look up old friends, plan or attend a social event, or travel with a friend.

Jun 15 - Jul 15 (Gemini) This could be a great time to get involved with a creative project. Venus is creating a transiting version of Malavaya Yoga, a combination that, when found in a natal chart, makes the person an artist. This is just a temporary version of that combination so it simply gives you more inclination to be creative. On the other hand, this same placement of Venus is good for having a healing influence on other people, since it gives a general tendency towards compassion. On the purely mundane level, you might enjoy your work and have positive results from your work during this period. It is also a good time for travel.

Jul 16 - Aug 16 (Cancer) Venus is transiting in your ninth house. This is a combination that is good for finances and could produce some small financial increase. It is also a great placement for travel. This period also favors any activities related to homes or real estate. It is a good time for education, as well as any interaction with teachers or advisors.

Aug 17 - Sep 16 (Leo) During this period, Venus will be moving through your eighth house. This is a good time to make constructive changes at work, especially those that are related to style and creativity. This is also a good time for having a positive, transformative effect on others through your work. This period also favors your partner’s finances.

Sep 17 - Oct 16 Virgo) Venus is passing through your seventh house, the house of marriage and partnership. During this period, you might find that your relationship with your partner becomes more warm and loving. On the other hand, if you don’t have a partner, this could be a little window of time when you are feeling attracted to others, or maybe even a time for a little romance.

Oct 17 - Nov 15 (Libra)This period is good for health, since Venus will be moving through your sixth house. So “make hay while the Sun (or Venus) shines”. Get on your diet or exercise program and put some positive energy into getting in shape. Venus is the planet of beauty, so any efforts you make at this time are more likely to make you look better as well.

Nov 16 - Dec 15 (Scorpio) During this time, Venus will be passing through your fifth house. If you have kids, this period is a great time for increasing positive and pleasant interactions with them. On the other hand, it could simply suggest that your kids are just doing well and enjoying their own lives at this time. This is a great time for any kind of creative activities as well. It is also a good time for educational pursuits.

Dec 16 - Jan 13 (Sagittarius) This period is good for all things related to homes. You might find that you become inspired to spruce up, remodel, beautify your house or apartment, or even purchase a home. This is also a good time for activities related to your mother, so if you haven’t seen her for a while, you might think about checking in. It is even a good time for purchasing new vehicles.

Jan 14 - Feb 12 (Capricorn) During this period, you might find that communication becomes more positive, affectionate and pleasant. Venus is passing through your third house, the house of communications, but it is also the house of siblings. So this is a good time for connecting with your brothers and sisters as well. It is also a good time for travel.

Feb 13 - Mar 13 (Aquarius) Venus is in your second house. During this period, you will probably feel like spending money on things that are pleasant or pleasurable like dining out, dating, or things related to the home. On the other hand, this period is also good for money, so it can also help you earn.

Mar 14 - Apr 13 (Pisces) Venus will be passing through your first house, so it will make you more loving, kind, friendly and compassionate to others. This period is also a good one for personal beautification activities, such as going to beauty parlors or spas, getting facials, and the purchase of clothing. It also favors travel.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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