Saturn in Capricorn - January 24, 2020 - January 17, 2023

by James Kelleher July 01, 2020

Saturn in Capricorn - January 24, 2020 - January 17, 2023

Saturn moves into the sign of Capricorn on January 24, 2020.  It will take three years for it to complete the transit. This will be an important transit for Saturn, and for the world. The next three years may bring some important changes and challenges. That said, this transit should be a good one for a number of reasons. First, Saturn will be transiting its own sign, Capricorn. When a planet is in its
own sign, it is usually on its best behavior. When Saturn is behaving itself, it produces a sense of responsibility, hard work, productivity, patience, organizational ability, good management, commitment, and the ability to bring things into concrete form. In other words, a positive Saturn helps us to get things done and to make things happen. You could say that Saturn is the best planet for actualizing your desires. In fact, it's the only planet that allows us to get what we want. Every other planet gives a variety of desires, but no other planet, except for Saturn, gives us the ability to make those desires materialize. So if you play your cards right, Saturn just might help you to make some first rate progress in your life, during the next three years. 
Of course, there is also the fact that Saturn and Jupiter will be in a conjunction at the end of 2020. For mundane astrology, the astrology of nations and for the world, this means that dharma (truth & natural law) will be at a low point.   We have already noticed this tendency building up over the past few years, with the way that public figures and even the media have made a sport out of denying any fact that doesn't agree with their agendas. While the denial of truth is the very definition of adharma (the opposite of dharma), this phenomenon is more related to Jupiter's movement into Capricorn, later in the year, and is not really a Saturn's issue.
So this transit of Saturn, when you apply it to individual horoscopes, should produce generally more positivity than the average transit. In fact, it could produce some downright excellent results in your life, if you make even a moderate effort in the area that Saturn is transiting. That's because Saturn doesn't give you anything for free. Even when it is going to give you something amazing, Saturn makes you work for it. In this way, a good transit of Saturn is like one of those 401 K investment plans offered by some employers. In 401 K plans, the employee puts in some money into his 401 K account, and the employer matches it by putting he same about of money into his account.
That's sort of like what Saturn does. If you put some effort into improving your life in the direction indicated by the transit of Saturn, Saturn will match your effort by giving you extra support and progress in that area. But you have to work at it and be patient. With Saturn, it's no pain, no gain.  If you want to learn more about Saturn, check out the class, Amazing Saturn.  It is appropriate for anyone and will help you understand and work with this wonderful planet.  Click her for more information.
The area of life that Saturn will affect, during this transit, will depend on what house the sign of Capricorn occupies in your natal chart. Here is a description of what might happen for you during this transit, based on your Vedic chart. Of course, I can't see your individual chart, so the only thing I can use to make the predictions, listed here, is your Sun sign. When you read the predictions for your Sun sign, be sure to check that your birth date is correct for that sign. Remember, in Vedic astrology we use a sidereal zodiac, which means that the birth dates for the signs are different than in Western astrology. If you happen to be a student of Vedic astrology, or if you know your Vedic Moon sign, Sun sign, and/or your Arudha lagna sign, then you can read the results given for those signs as well. The transits of Saturn from each of these perspectives will be relevant in your life.
Vedic Sun Signs
Apr 14 - May 14 (Aries) During this period, Saturn is passing through your tenth house, the house of career and action. You might take on more responsibility in your career or simply make a jump to a new level of success. This is a great time for projects and ambitious plans of all kinds. Don't waste time, this is a time to get down to business.
May 15 - Jun 14 (Taurus). Saturn is passing through your ninth house. During this period, you might find that your efforts allow you to accumulate more financial wealth. This is a great time for making efforts in higher education. It is also a transit that sometimes causes a person to travel for work. In any case, it promotes travel that is connected to a practical agenda.
Jun 15 - Jul 15 (Gemini)   Saturn is now in your 8th house, the house of change, transformation, and metamorphosis. This is a good time for breathing new life into your career by making some changes. The eighth house is also related to money through partnership, taxes, clients, inheritance, and the money of other people. One or more of these areas could increase as a source of income. If you are married, you might notice your joint finances improving.
Jul 16 - Aug 16 (Cancer) Cancer-people have been experiencing a sense of separation and disharmony over the past couple of years, with respect to relationships. This transit should help to stabilize your relationships by challenging you to clarify your agreements and to set intelligent boundaries. You might be tempted to work very hard during this period, and that's okay. But make sure you also make time to decompress and to tend to your own needs as well.
Aug 17 - Sep 16 (Leo) During the transit of Saturn in Capricorn, you are being challenged to improve your health. This is a great time to get on the stick with your diet and exercise programs. If you have some physical issue that you have been letting slide, then this is the time to make an effort to improve it. On the other hand, this transit also promotes an increased responsibility level. So, if you are employed, it could also produce a bit of a time-crunch, making it necessary to schedule everything, including your exercise.
Sep 17 - Oct 16 (Virgo) Saturn is passing through your fifth house, the house of children, education, and finances. For parents, this is a good period for effectively managing your child rearing responsibilities. For your children, especially the first child, this is a period that brings them more clarity and promotes a greater sense of responsibility. If you are inclined to take a class, this a great time to develop good study habits. For work or career, this period promotes productivity, finance, and constructive changes,
Oct 17 - Nov 15 (Libra)   During this transit, Saturn is passing through your fourth house, the house of real estate, home, mother, and vehicle. If you have been feeling a desire to make some improvements to your house, change your residence, or even purchase a house, this period is a good one for making it happen. Similary, if in the past transit, 2017 - 2019 , you have been noticing more expenses or problems related to any of the above areas of life, Saturn in Capricorn should stabilize it. Regarding the mother, this could also be a period when some of you take on some work or responsibilities to assist your mother.
Nov 16 - Dec 15 (Scorpio) During the transit of Saturn in Capricorn, you will be challenged to communicate in a more careful, clear, and deliberate way. You will receive a good deal of practice in how to set boundaries in your communication with others. Setting boundaries is an art form, and Saturn is the master of that art. Saturn will move towards being more polite, patient, persistent and absolutely clear. about what you want and what you won't put up with. This is a time to let go of sentiment, and just get down to business when you communicate. Just follow Saturn's lead and you will clean up your life, and get rid of all the fuzzy strings that are attached to some of your relationships.
Dec 16 - Jan 13 (Sagittarius) Saturn is now passing through your second house, the house of money, speech, and food. If you have been letting your diet slip in the past couple of years, this is a time when Saturn will help you improve it and get back on your food plan. It's also a good time to improve your finances, by getting organized, and reassessing your long term financial plan. This is a great time to save money. Remember what Einstein said, "Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it." 
Jan 14 - Feb 12 (Capricorn) Saturn is passing through your first house. This transit can help you work on yourself. This is usually a time of taking responsibility for yourself in general, so it is a great time for making plans. The past couple of years might have felt like your best laid plans have been taking circuitous routes. Now your plans will tend to go in the intended direction. This period can also be a good time for getting on any kind of health routine with more regularity.
Feb 13 - Mar 13 (Aquarius)   During this transit, Saturn is passing through your twelfth house. You might travel during this period, and if so, then you might also have a practical agenda to accomplish during that travel, or you might travel for work.   This is also a good time to reinforce your routines related to meditation.
Mar 14 - Apr 13 (Pisces)     During this period, you might find yourself reassessing or making long term plans. This is a period for playing the long game. Think about where you want to be 20 years from now, and point yourself in that direction. You might also find that, if you make a bit of an effort, your financial situation could improve. This transit also promotes working with teams or groups, and you might even feel like managing a team or a group, or simply taking on some added responsibilities within a group.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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