Full Moon in Uttara Phalguni

by James Kelleher March 17, 2022

Full Moon in Uttara Phalguni

There will be a Full Moon in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra on March 18th at 12:17am pdt. Uttara Phalguni's shakti is the power of wealth through marriage and it is ruled by the deity of Aryaman, the god who blesses marriages. He is also a god of chivalry. The drekkana* occupied by this Full Moon is symbolized by a young girl who is going to the home of her teacher with a pot of flowers. This is a good time to go out of your way to be helpful to others and to try to give them a boost upward. The Full Moon here promotes teaching others and also learning from teachers. This is also a time when you can benefit financially through agreements and contracts with other people. The ultimate contract between two people is marriage, so this Full Moon also promotes romantic commitments.
The day of a Full Moon is a time when the energy of the Moon is overflowing. It is not usually a day to begin something but it is a great time to celebrate the energy of the nakshatra where the Full Moon is located. During this one, celebrate your relationships with other people by being appreciative. Cultivate your relationships with your teachers, students, spouse or partners. But don't stop there, also be grateful for the people who don't like you or who rub you the wrong way. As Buddha said, "Your worst enemy is your best teacher."
*The Drekkanas are a division of each sign into three equal parts.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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