In his annual World Predictions presentation for 2025, given in two parts on February 6 and 7, 2025, Jim delved into the astrological charts of nations and influential figures to provide a Vedic astrology perspective on the state of the world. This marks the 37th year of his annual presentations. Over the years, Jim has accurately forecasted many significant world events, including the Gulf War in 1990, the Japanese recession in 1991 (down to the exact month), the start of the Iraq War in 2003 (to the exact week), the capture of Saddam Hussain (to the exact month), and the stock market crash of September 2008.
In 2010, Jim’s teacher, Sadguru Sivananda Murthy, predicted a global crisis in 2020. Building on this insight, Jim refined the prediction in his 2016 presentation, with Sivananda Murthy’s guidance, predicting that a worldwide pandemic might begin in January 2020.
For 2025, Jim’s presentation examines the trajectory of world events in the years to come. He discusses key issues, such as the return of Donald Trump as U.S. President, developments in the Middle East, the ongoing war in Ukraine, and global environmental changes. Drawing from the astrological charts of countries like the United States, China, Russia, Ukraine, India, Syria, Iran, Israel, and Palestine, Jim outlines emerging worldwide trends and the significant events expected in 2025 as well as the next decade. He also explores how these events fit into a broader framework of global evolution.
Recordings: 2 MP4 audio/slide show recordings. Each of the recordings is more than 2 hours long. To access the recording, first pay for the class, and you will be given a download link. If you have any problem with downloading the file, email us at james@jameskelleher.com
This is a unique class that focuses on how to make your Vedic chart, and the science of Jyotish, more relevant to your life. Vedic astrology is an amazing science, that...
In the original class, The Nakshatras, Part 1, Jim described the various components of nakshatra symbolism in depth. In this class, The Nakshatras Part 2, he focuses on how...