Jupiter in Aquarius

by James Kelleher April 05, 2021

Jupiter in Aquarius

April 5 – September 14, 2021
November 20, 2021 – April 13 2022
Jupiter will enter Aquarius on April 5th. It takes Jupiter about a year to complete its transit through a sign, so when it moves, it’s a big deal in astrology. Jupiter is the planet of abundance, knowledge, children, truth, and dharma. When it transits through a new sign, it casts its beneficent energy on everything that sign signifies.

On the other hand, Jupiter has been moving in and out of Capricorn over the past year, and Capricorn is Jupiter’s sign of debilitation. For this reason, in 2010, my teacher, Sadguru Sivananda Murthy, predicted that 2020 would be a time when the world would experience a crisis and when dharma (truth) would be at its lowest level.

That certainly took place. Our world, during the past year, has been a place of chaos and a place where discerning the truth has been very difficult.
In my mid-year predictions presentation, I mapped out the transit of Jupiter with respect to the virus. I said that the transit of Jupiter in Capricorn has been a reliable indicator for the Covid pandemic. I pointed out that when Jupiter entered Capricorn in

March of 2020, the virus began to spike. When it retrograded out of Capricorn, at the end of June, 2020, the virus subsided and restrictions seemed to ease. I predicted that when Jupiter once again would enter Capricorn, on November 19, 2020, the virus would spike again. Since then, new variants have become problematic, and Europe has developed a new wave of infections.

On April 5, 2021, Jupiter will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of groups of people, so over the course of this one-year transit, we should find people starting to be more comfortable smaller social settings, and over time, becoming more comfortable in groups. At the moment, the virus is very active in Europe, but that will probably begin to change as various countries act to stem the tide of infections and improve vaccine protocols.

Jupiter will be transiting Aquarius until April 13, 2022. However, during the period from September 14 – November 20, 2021, Jupiter will once again retrograde into Capricorn briefly. That transit is likely to reiterate some of the Covid issues. One possibility might be the need to address variants of the virus with booster vaccinations. Whatever the issues might be, the period is short, suggesting that we will deal with the problems relatively quickly.

From November 20, 2021 – April 13, 2022, Jupiter will again be transiting Aquarius, finally free of the constraining influence of Capricorn, and the world will receive another leg up in its struggle against the virus.

In the big picture, I will repeat what I said in February of 2020, in my World Predictions presentation, just after the virus began. I said that the Coronavirus pandemic will still be a problem until about August of 2022, based on the 2020 Gregorian new year chart that I discussed in that presentation. The pandemic is also tracking the transit of Saturn in Capricorn, which started in January of 2020 and ends in January of 2023. So we will probably be dealing with issues related to the pandemic in one way or another until the end of 2022 or the beginning of 2023.

That said, the astrological factors suggest constant improvement, and one of the biggest and most positive influences is Jupiter’s movement into Aquarius beginning on April 5th. It represents a period where the world population, in general, will start to feel more confident and free to interact with each other. Remember, April 5th is only the beginning point of the transit. It will take about a year to develop more fully, but we should start to see signs of the virus abating in the next few months, probably as a result of more and more people getting the vaccine.

Here is a brief description of how the transit of Jupiter in Aquarius might affect you, based on the house Jupiter is transiting in your horoscope. Remember, we use a different zodiac in Vedic astrology, so you have to look at the birth date ranges for each of the Sun signs carefully. If you happen to know your Vedic Moon sign, Lagna (Ascendant) or Arudha Lagna, then you can read the results for those signs as well. If you happen to know all of those signs, you could potentially read the predictions given for four signs. That may seem confusing, but each of the descriptions reflects a different angle on the transit of Jupiter and will tend to manifest in its own way.
Vedic Sun Signs

Apr 14 - May 14 (Aries) During this period, you might experience more support with actualizing desires. This period is also good for finances, friendships, relationships and any activities related to groups.

May 15 - Jun 14 (Taurus). Jupiter is passing through your career house, so this could be a period when your ambitious pursuits receive a boost. If you are looking for a job, this is a likely time to get one. If you are already employed or self-employed, then your work might either become more busy or more lucrative.

Jun 15 - Jul 15 (Gemini) This period produces support for education, travel (covid permitting), and the general sense of more abundance. It is also good for your career and for relationships. During this transit, you might receive better support or advice from teachers, professionals or experts as well.

Jul 16 - Aug 16 (Cancer) During this period, you might redefine your finances. This transit is particularly good for financial gains through partnership, clients, or business. It’s also a good time for solving problems, fixing or transforming various elements of life.

Aug 17 - Sep 16 (Leo) Jupiter is passing through the seventh house, the house of relationships. This is a good period for romantic connections, children, friendships and groups. This transit also supports financial gains, partnerships and business. You might find that other people are particularly supportive and that you are more able to benefit from the advice or services of knowledgeable professionals.

Sep 17 - Oct 16 (Virgo) You might notice your health improving during this transit. If you have health problems, this might suggest that you might use positive means to improve your health or that your doctors might give you better advice. If you are already healthy, then this transit could improve your energy or vitality. If you are looking for a job, this transit is a great one for getting a job. Jupiter’s influence also supports your finances.

Oct 17 - Nov 15 (Libra) Jupiter is passing through your fifth house, so it favors and supports education. This is also a great transit for getting pregnant, if babies are on your mind. If you already have children, the transit will be good for your children or your relationship with your children. It’s also a transit that favors romance.

Nov 16- Dec 15 (Scorpio) During this transit you might spend money on your home or environment for some kind of improvement. This is also a good time for purchasing vehicles and for education. It’s also possible that you could change your residence. But Jupiter is also supporting your general sense of happiness, so you should also find that your mood improves.

Dec 16 - Jan 13 (Sagittarius) Jupiter is transiting your third house, so you might find yourself spending more time reading or surfing the web in search of that elusive information that will satisfy all your desires. The transit supports friendships, communication, siblings and romantic relationships as well.

Jan 14 - Feb 12 (Capricorn). Jupiter is in your second house. During this period, you might notice an improvement with finances. You might also spend money on something positive. The transit also supports your career and your health.

Feb 13 - Mar 13 (Aquarius) During this transit, Jupiter will be supporting your sense of self. You might feel more optimistic and have the impulse to start new projects or ambitious endeavors. The transit can also support health as well as education, travel and children.

Mar 14 - Apr 13 (Pisces) Jupiter is passing through your twelfth house. This could increase your desire to travel. Covid has been making travel more difficult, but you might still find safe ways to get away for a weekend or longer, from time to time. During this period, you might also find that you are drawn to internal practices like meditation or yoga.

James Kelleher
James Kelleher


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